Maximum ripple ±5% peak, reverse polarity protected
Output voltage
(pins Z6 and Z8)Range 0 to 20 mA
Impedance 249 ohms
Amplitude 0 to 20% of full scale output current
Frequency 50 to 400 Hz
Proportional gain 0.1 to 20 V/V
Low range 0 to 40 V/V-sec
High range 2 to 300 V/V-sec
Output current drive (jumper selectable):
Jumper JP1 in position A ±50 mA
Jumper JP1 in position B ±100 mA
Voltage input(pin B6, B8, or Z6)Range ±10V DC
±滿量程輸出的0.03%, zui大增益
閥閉環反饋0?±10V或420 mA
Warm-up drift (after 30 minutes) 0.03V
Ambient temperature range 0
to 65°C (32 to 149°F)
Mass (weight) 4,1 kg (9 lbs)
Power requirements:
Nominal +24V DC 500 mA (at 200 mA load)
Range +20 to +32V DC
(amplifier shuts down below +20V DC)